Educators and healthcare professional seek in each interaction to use their extensive technical training to support and educate students and patients.
Miscommunication and distress undermine trust, capability and shared accountabilities, and while policy and rule based training manage risk, they cannot optimise the relationships that underpin positive, sustainable outcomes. There has to be a better way!
At Wavelength, we work with education and healthcare leaders to build new skills and unlock potential. We have guide leaders to vastly reduced stress and sick leave in their departments, improved outcomes and job satisfaction.
All of out training programs are recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons for Continuing Professional Development points.
New research establishes that Compassion in healthcare improves a range of healthcare outcomes, patient wellbeing and quality of life, and reduces burnout in clinicians.

The ability to quickly create an authentic connection with often distressed individuals, motivate them the communicate, and change behaviour, while also managing stress and conflict are critical to positive outcomes. By training leaders with valid skills, designed to complement their already extensive knowledge, Wavelength’s training unlocks potential. Our Process Communication training is recognised by RACS and ANZCA for professional development, and our LOD conflict training is already being successfully used in hospitals around Australia.
If you and your organisation are looking to build the skills to optimise interpersonal communication, motivate your teams, build resilience and healthily mange conflict, contact us today to build a development blueprint.